‘Creating Opportunities for Innovation and Exploration’.
A brand-new journal is a huge undertaking, especially if it intends to publish high-quality articles. Additionally, although most students devote their time to studying DBA and MBA programs, very few devote time to researching related issues. In spite of these obstacles, the journal is dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed, high-quality articles related to DBA and MBA studies and their respective dissertations.
This journal is an open access online, double-blind peer-reviewed that has bi-annual research publications. The inaugural manuscripts cover topics such as online and contactless food delivery, blockchains, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, emotional intelligence, financial risk management, job satisfaction, the impact of HSE, etc. The journal has been launched during the ongoing pandemic Covid 19 which means it will also include relevant research articles discussing the opportunities and challenges posed by it.
The success of the journal is directly related to the number of top-quality articles submitted for review. We, therefore, invite all our students and their colleagues to contribute high-quality manuscripts for review. As part of our review process, we provide mentoring to our potential authors, regardless of whether their work is accepted or not.
The WUCRJ provides authors with high-quality, useful reviews tailored to help them improve their submissions. Research papers can be submitted by anyone affiliated with Westford University College through the WUC Research Journal’s official website.